Tuesday Tunes

I completely forgot to write this. You might have noticed it didn't go up at midnight. Also I'm writing this in a rush before work. Go me? But yeah, helped someone move more things than they could possibly use, and indeed, they haven't touched most of it (here's looking at the skis, the broken wall decoration, etc). Just a couple of songs for y'all today, and not much commentary...

This is a gorgeous AMV someone did with Homestuck and a Florence and the Machine song. Basically love at first watching for me...

Heard this a day or so ago, kind of love the sound...

What music do you currently love?


  1. It is becoming increasingly obvious that I need to expand the music I am listening too.


    1. I wouldn't worry - I've kind of honestly got a limited range of things I listen to, but I just kind of find things whenever I get on tumblr - that's how I found both of these songs. Or by the 'videos you might like' section of a song I like on youTube...though you can wind up on weird stuff pretty fast that way. (Though a lot of those weird things can also be amazing, so...)

  2. I really need to start listening to more music because I've always liked Coldplay and i haven't heard or seen this music video yet!

    Thanks for sharing


    1. I only saw it because of tumblr, but glad you were happy to see it!

  3. Ohh I hadn't heard both these tunes before, awesome, you have splendid taste in music! Following now, thanks for adding GFC

    1. Thank you! And it was more of a re-adding, since I'd accidentally deleted it before.

  4. love rihanna! :)


  5. I love that song and thank you so much for the comments =) Really appreciate it!

    My Lyfe ; My Story

  6. Thank you for sharing your Cannes fashion insight with me. Wishing you have great week ahead!

  7. Haha, yeah, it is kinda insane! It's also really weird because 'Princess of China', but then almost everything is Japanese? (and then there's the arms thing...) It's a little uncomfortable in that sense, but overall it's fairly cool the way all the effects were done. Her nails are definitely nuts - I'd love to know what inspired them.


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That said, I hope you have a lovely day!