Mini-ramble over, now, onto things that make sense outside of my brain...well, okay the first is sort of linked to the ramble a little bit!
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Admittedly, the first two lines are the most important. My mind likes to wander, and when I'm loneliest, it likes to wander to my (so far only) relationship and all the things that could have made it actually last. Being a hopeless romantic is both a good and bad thing - good, because you trust and hope that something amazing will come around, and absolutely awful because you hope so much that each person you fall for will be It and The Only. At least I know that I need failed or wrong relationships to actually understand what I want - granted, I only understood that completely when I realized yesterday that if my first meeting with my ex had occurred today, I wouldn't have dated her even without knowing her as well as I do now, and yet I wouldn't have recognized a whole host of traits that are actually kind of toxic to be around. I wonder what the boy I'm currently interested in might teach me...and I know I'll just have to live the adventure to find out.
This video is from 1926, and I do recommend clicking through to vimeo to see the story behind it. It's such a lovely video, and the music is quite nice!
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People spend a lot of time obsessing over models, celebrities, designers' labels...well, I won't say we should start obsessing over designers (obsessing over anything is kinda unhealthy, yes, I'll even concede that my shoe obsession is kinda unhealthy...) I do, however, think people should, with some designers at least, spend a bit more time listening to them on not-wholly-fashion subjects. This interview with Miuccia Prada is absolutely fascinating. My favorite part of it is this: "The investigation of ugliness is, to me, more interesting than the bourgeois idea of beauty. And why? Because ugly is human. It touches the bad and the dirty side of people."
I love the "think of the consequences of doing nothing" - b/c doing nothing is still making a decision!
Pearls & Paws
Inspired! Great post!
personal style and fashion musings of a LA fashion lawyer living life in the fab lane!
Hi dear, Thanks as always for your wonderful words over at mine! I've mailed you the recipe. I will definitely check out your recommendations, thanks for that. I also have random moments like those, i think we are constantly changing and each day we can look back at the one before and assess how we have grown, even if just a little bit. Love the quote, I fully agree with what you wrote about needing failed relationships to know what you want. As they say, you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find the handsome prince. As you are a hopeless romantic, I think i am the complete opposite, which is far worse! rather a dreamer than a cynic, right? That was interesting 'Ugly is human' Ive never looked at things that way before. Have an awesome weekend!
ReplyDeleteInteresting blog....glad I found you!!!
i love that quote from the top poem--that's true. it really is about that second love. not enough credit goes to that!
ReplyDeleteI really appreciate that you always take the time to stop by...I agree on your advice! Have a great start to the week!
ReplyDeleteI always love coming here and reading your thoughts, which are, to say the least, so profound. I look at myself even from 6 months ago and realize how much I've changed. The things I would do a year ago, I would never think to do again. But this is part of growing up/growing older, it's always an evolution (ok well not always). And I loved the quote you posted on your 'second love'... Besides, I don't think human beings are monogomous beings, so this entire idea of 'one love' and 'one soulmate' is well, kind of evil :) May I recommend you watch Before Sunset?
ReplyDeleteOk, I'm kinda going off in different tangets now, but you mention a video by Micciu Prada, except I don't see a video embedded? Let me know, I'd love to watch it.
Ah, thank you! I'm glad you think that highly of my ramblings. It certainly is usually a function of growth. I waver back and forth on my opinion of whether or not humans are monogamous beings or not, though I do think the one soulmate/love thing is a bit ridiculous. You can find someone who you can love and who will love you, and there are probably at least six other people who you could be just as blissfully happy with. I'll add that movie to my list, then!
DeleteThere's not a video, the 'source' link is to a written interview, sorry! I'll be sure to actually put links within my commentary on them, not just in the 'source' piece, next time!
Glad people besides me get that too, haha. Yeah, it is pretty weird to think about the amount you change over time.