I Can't Believe...

Well, today is Thursday, and I'm officially tired enough to not really be able to write a decent introduction or lead-in to this. Not that it really needs one exactly, but y'know. First week of work will be done after Friday. It's definitely been interesting thus far...

I can't believe...that I'm working. Better than last summer, though, when I couldn't get a job...

I can't believe...that people are doing AP exams around now. Where did high school go?

I can't believe...that recycle bins can get so dirty. You'd think it would be trash cans, but dorm recycle bins can get pretty nasty, often they're nastier than the trash bins. It's so weird!

I can't believe that...Cleveland decided to be nice-ish today, weatherwise.

What can't you believe this week?


  1. LOL Ilaughed so hard at that meme, that is seriously the story of my life!


    1. It seems like everyone deals with it and nobody knows why!

  2. HAha that is sooooo the story of my life!! Thank god my work ahas flexible-ish hours!

    Sophisticated Lace

    1. Ahh, I'm jealous! My job doesn't have flexible hours, and my classes don't tend to be flexible either, so it can kinda suck sometimes!


  3. I feel this almost everyday since I started my internship! feel you there!

    I'm currently having a giveaway on my blog! Skater skirt, galaxy print leggings and many more! Hope you can support me by joining my giveaway! thank you! here's the link http://chasingculprit.blogspot.com/2013/05/cant-get-enough-of-spring-and-summer.html


  4. That quote is so true for me!

  5. Thats quote kinda sounds like me, lol. I like this the of post, really cute and a great way of getting to now you better. You don't have GFC by the way? Thanks for taking the time to drop by :) Happy Friday!

    1. Seems to be a thing everyone can relate to. Which is great and awful at the same time... I like it too, which is why I joined the linkup ran by this gal. She sometimes doesn't put it up, but I've concluded that I don't care if she does or doesn't, I enjoy doing it. I do have GFC, I just accidentally removed it, apparently. But I've got it back now, so!


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