Tuesday Tunes

I think my favorite thing about having just given myself a specific thing to write about for Tuesdays is a wonderful thing - I think, of all days of the week, I'm least inspired on Tuesday, and I'm actually (usually) more tired on Tuesday than I am on Monday. It's a lot easier to just be able to write something and not think about it again, except to remember to stick a link up on twitter and facebook (you should follow me on both, by the way - I've got buttons in the sidebar, y'all).

I know the main question about the music I'm sharing this week is probably "is it Puella Magi again? |: " and the answer is (surprisingly) no. I still haven't stopped listening to it, though - it's very useful for doing homework. It's actually Psy, because I might have a tiny bit of obsession with his music. He recently released another, somewhat odd, music video for one of his songs, and while I don't like it as much as Gangam Style, I'm certainly intrigued. (I really want to know why he likes that style of pants so much...)

Is there any music you're into right now? What do you think of Gentleman (and/or Psy's pants)?


  1. This is funny because I saw this video, in a restaurant where I was grabbing lunch, for the first time, and I thought "who the hell is this weird guy"? :) This may not be my favorite kind of music, but it's certainly something I can joke about :)

    Hope you are well, my dear!

    xx Ivana

    Macarons and Pearls

    1. Had you not seen Gangam Style? Psy makes pretty intensely interesting music videos (which are definitely hilarious). I think the cool thing is that (at least with his last big song) he's pretty into using his music and videos for social commentary.

      I hope you are as well!

  2. You have to admit that this is kind of fun to watch.

    I don't really have a particular kind of music I am into right now. I am usually just all over the place.


    1. It definitely is!

      I'm pretty much the same - I don't think I know how to have any sort of defined standard of things that I like - I just like almost everything.

  3. kind of entertaining, but also a bit degrading for women isn't it? I dunno though if it will ever surpass gangnam style! haha

    1. Yeah, it's been giving me conflicted feelings because of that. I certainly like the song, and I enjoy pieces of the video, so overall I like it, but there are definitely some uncomfortable pieces in there. I suppose only time will show whether it can surpass Gangam Style.


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