...but only for this week. I'll be back next Monday - April 2nd, my friends. This week is being spent in a frenzy of homework and packing and rehearsals, all for ISAS, the fine arts festival my school goes to every year. So I have to figure out outfits, squeeze in my costume from
Little Shop of Horrors and my choir uniform. At least I already have a show appropriate manicure... ;) Neon green sound good for a show about (spoiler) being eaten by a giant plant?
Anyhow, next week will include a flurry of updates, because, you know, I pretty much only ever get outfits, nails, and pinterest faves up. Sigh. I should probably actually learn how to really blog someday... Oh well.
See you next month!
ps: I will still be on pinterest, unless we don't have internet at Greenhill, the host school this year...
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