okay, okay. I'll breathe! I'm just SO excited for this! I've never squealed while buying tickets for a movie before, but I did for this. I think it's mostly because I'm going to the midnight premier! But still! Excited!
I'm dressing up, like approximately almost every fan attending, so I picked Foxface, for the red hair.
Jacket - thrifted | Shirt - Bui Yah Kah | Pants - Windsor | Boots - Wet Seal | Belt - I dunno...
I may have gotten a bit into character for shooting this... Also, get a load of our white sky. What's up with that, Texas? Usually your sky is so blue it's blinding, then it's so...bleh whenever I want to take pictures outdoors. Oh well - I'm crazy excited for this movie! One more hour till I go to the theater to make sure I've got the tickets and stuff! I'll stop the gratuitous abuse of the exclamation point later!
(And yes, I know the pants aren't the right color, ah well... I don't own anything khaki, and I'm seven inches shorter than the next-shortest person in the house...)
Okay, now, I'm going to go take a deep breath and continue doing things.
Share any premier outfits, guys!

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