The musical went well, and we're gearing up to start another round of rehearsals for doing it again at ISAS. I went to the cast party last night, and we saw the film made out of our performances. It was really great, and we probably scared the host's neighbors with our screaming when our Seymour and Audrey kissed on the screen. (You know how people sound when their team wins the Super Bowl? That was us when those two kissed!) We also scared her parents by having a giant sing-along to the film, and playing Hide and Seek across their house. I fell asleep behind their hot tub and was the last one found. xD It was a lot of fun (especially the sleeping part...) and I'm glad we waited a few weeks for it, so we all had some time to recover. Hopefully, getting around to swapping all my winter and fall stuff out for spring and summer stuff will rejuvenate my brain a bit - along with a lot of sleep, of course. I'm not sure if next week will be a fourth week of non-posting, or if it'll just be partial. Right now, I'm leaning towards partial.
How have you been the past few weeks?

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