The dress you are about to see makes my brain go straight to this line from Somewhere Green in
Little Shop of Horrors. It also makes my brain head towards Mad Men (even though I've never watched it), but that one makes more sense than the LSoH association. Ah well, the point is, it's a cool dress, and I'm totally in love with it. It's from a recent little mall haul, where I finally got some things I'd been craving. This is easily my favorite piece of the haul, though. It's all fun and floaty and gorgeous.
See it after the jump!

Necklace - gift | Dress/black-gold ring - F21 | Shoes - out of business boutique | White ring - Jewelmint | Bracelets -
Escape Key
I'll talk about the bracelets some more tomorrow, guys. Promise. There's a purpose to them.
What recent buys are you loving?
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