Speaking of the whole graduation thing, I believe I owe a post on my Senior Party outfit. We had the "S Party" as our theme, so everyone had to come dressed as stuff starting with "S". A lot of surgeons and "Safai" people, big surprise, as well as quite a few smurfs, sunflowers, swimmers, and even one Sting Ray. (She was the most creative costume of the night, honestly...) I was one of the unique ones, because I came as a Scorpio - aka my astrological sign. I actually put a bit of thought into the outfit. Scorpios are supposed to be dark and mysterious, passionate and odd, and I wanted to convey that somehow. I looked up Scorpio colors - red, black, purple, gold - and gemstones - opal being on the list was a cool surprise for me, actually, and brainstormed on how to bring out their 'cool' reputation in an outfit. Oh, and I used fabric paint on a shirt of mine, though you may not be able to see the symbol in the pictures. Should've taken them before it got dark...
Vest - thrifted | Shirt - F21 + DIY | Skirt - JWU for Target | Shoes/clutch - F21 | Ring/red bracelet - F21
I wound up not actually staying at the party for more than an hour - seems like everyone not in my group of friends showed up drunk and they were all dropping. We got sick of it after an ambulance had to come for a girl, and went off to Braums for ice cream.
Of course, I've worn my JWu for Target skirt more than just to the senior party... Want some more pictures?
Blazer/long necklace - thrifted | Tights/shoes - F21 | Purse - R21 | Shirt - Kohl's
What's your opinion on all Target's designer collabs? And who's coming up next!? I can't remember at all, but I really want to know if it's worth getting excited about or not. (ex; JWu was worth the excitement, Missoni was not).

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