The first week of back-to-school is finally over! I don't think I've been so exhausted in my life. But I have been keeping up with my resolutions! I get the feeling those may be part of why I'm exhausted, but oh well. Hopefully, after enough exhaustion from them, things'll pick up. At any rate, it's Friday, which means you get to look at my favorite pins from Pinterest this week.
I just want to marry these shoes, people. They're perfect, seriously!
"Line a pathway with rocks painted in glow in the dark paint. During the day they "charge" in the sun and in the evening they reflect the stored light. Rust-Oleum Glow in the Dark Brush-on Paint." I just love this idea!
How to hem jeans using the original hem. I LOVE this, because it'll make it easier to hem all my dragging-on-the-floor jeans.
Photoshopped? Check. Awesome anyhow? ...check. xD
From somewhere on tumblr. |
Mary-Kate and Ashley. I think I'll always be slightly obsessed with them. I mean, I grew up wanting to be them, and now I still want to be.
I have no clue who this girl is. I just know that I am seriously in love/obsessed with her hair. And everything else about her.
This is a wonderful quote, and super true. You don't feel beautiful, no matter your size, until you believe you are.
I love this. It's something people should do, even if they think they aren't, because saying you are is the first step to believing it.
5-minute chocolate mousse. I can't help it, I'm on a chocolate kick right now. It's ridiculous.
Summary of it in the link. Let me just say, Flavia de Luce is one of my favorite literary heroines ever. She's witty, crazy intelligent, and plays right into my chemistry obsession. And she's eleven. She's seriously an amazing character. She doesn't really fall into any stereotypes, by the way - she's pretty normal, other than knowing more chemistry than most chemistry students. Oh, and there are a whole SERIES of these. And they're all awesome. <3
The Hunger Games characters. I love this. By a very talented dA artist, who has quite a few other Hunger Games pieces.
Very lovely and cool image, isn't it?
From tumblr. |
This is WAY too funny... Just DR's face, and the whole line. xD
This is yet another case of "I wish my hair looked like this ;A; "
From Google. |
A map of the mountain ranges of the world. Very cool. c:
This girl is a legit doppelganger of one of my characters. It's pretty impressive.
A workout/diet program from Lauren Conrad. I really like this, because it's simple.
What were your favorite things this week?
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