what a lovely week...

I'll be taking a short break for this week as I will be frantically trying to do well on two test as well as begin research for two separate final papers. (Plus I kind of have one event to put on this week... That's kind of a thing too...) I'll be back next Monday, everyone. In the meantime, have some music that I've been obsessed with lately.

I watched this show over Spring Break with the 7th floor of my building and the music's been my obsession ever since. Hope you like the music as much as I do! (I will warn you that the series will destroy your emotions, but it's so good...)

ps: I will, however, be posting on twitter and facebook with various things that I'm enjoying while I take breaks from frantic studying, so you should go follow them!


  1. Love those songs!!! Good luck with studying, that's definitely one part of school that I do not miss!! Although the last week of the quarter at work sometimes feels like finals because of all the projects I'm scrambling to finish, so we're probably in the same boat!

    Sophisticated Lace

    1. Thanks! I know I won't miss tests and panicked studying once I'm out, though I can definitely see ends of periods at work feeling like finals. Nothing can beat frantic work to get stuff done, after all. Good luck with all your stuff!

  2. These videos are great. I hope your studying is going well. I am sure you will do great on your exams.

    Tracy @ Sunny Days and Starry Nights

    1. Thank you! I think I did decently? Better than I expected, at least.

  3. OOh thanks for sharing this and good luck with studying for your tests. Balancing a blog and school work can't be easy!


    1. Thank you! It's not easy, but it's fun at least!

  4. oh gosh I know how you feel about studying and having papers do! It is absolutely horrible! why do teachers do this to us!?


    1. I think it's an evil conspiracy. Or at least, I whine about that being a possibility whenever I have too much to do and decide I should procrastinate in a more unusual method.


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That said, I hope you have a lovely day!