time for hell week!

Do you know that week right before Spring Break, when everything happens all at once, and everything's BEEN happening all at once for far too long? Yeahhh, it's that time of year for me. Last week was spent mostly nursing a foot injury and hellish blisters in sneakers and the thickest socks I own, though there were a couple of fun outfits thrown in.

Monday and Tuesday were the kind of days you just try to get through with minimal embarrassment to yourself. I think I failed at that, but I'm not sure. Wednesday, I had a decently fun meeting, played card games, and decided that hoodies and fancy dresses are a fun combination.


Hoodie - WhatPumpkin | Dress - thrifted | Boots - E's Closet Boutique

Thursday, I went very simple, but tried out something I haven't done in a long time - a hairbow. I felt little-kiddish, but I liked how cute it was.

Bow/shirt/pants/shoes/black ring - F21 | Other ring - Jewelmint

Friday and Saturday were also low-key, and I spent the entire time messing around instead of working. Bad idea. I spent yesterday, Sunday, studying like crazy, but somehow wound up kind of fancy? (Moreso than jeans and t-shirts, at least...) Maybe it inspired me!

Skirt/shoes - F21 | Shirt - Hot Topic | Tights - WalMart

Countdown to Spring Break is getting serious here. How about you guys?


  1. Cute boots in 2nd and 3rd outfits! Hope you have a fabulous spring break!!

  2. Cute looks! Love the leather skirt/polkdot tights combo!


  3. The leather skirt is super cute! Love it!

  4. Those polka dot tights with that leather skirt is so cute! Good luck with hell week :)

    $1,000 Visa gift card giveaway!

  5. Hoping for a more uneventful rest of the week for you! Those polka dot tights are awesome!

    Pearls & Paws

    1. Thanks, me too! I know - they're my favorite thing right now!



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