
"Happy" Monday! I don't want it to be Monday, obviously, but you probably feel the same way. Anyhow, I finally got around to getting my last, very very chipped manicure off, and this is the result.

Zoya "Raven".

Butter London "Artful Dodger".

I actually wore this color scheme a while back, and I had to try it again. I just really love the two of them together. They may be my nail polish OTP. Now, wanna hear the story behind that purple bandaid? Saturday, I was moving my bed around, because one side was more broken down than the other, and my hand slipped and came down on this metal part of the frame, and BAM!, sliced-open thumb, somehow. It's nasty to look at without the bandaid, seriously. 

Hopefully nobody else had injuries over the weekend!

1 comment:

  1. This looks really lovely! I´ll have to try this asap!

    xx Ivana

    Stop by sometimes :)
    Macarons and Pearls


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