I got back from California late at night on the 24th, and other than one outing to the mall, and one mad dash around bookstores for the Hunger Games (gah, I got addicted, shh), I have been sleeping like around the clock. I don't ever really sleep on trips. Something about having to share a bed with people makes it impossible for me to really sleep.
Anyhow, I'm in love with California, and LA. My mom spent the entire time we were there stating how much she hates LA and SoCal (she grew up there) and why she thinks I'm crazy for wanting to move there and on and on. My dad was just as "I love this" as I am when he wasn't swearing at traffic. Under his breath of course, so Mom wouldn't lecture him. And the kid in the backseat was loud and obsessive. Of course. XD
Anyhow, it's left me with two distinct college possibilities there: University of the Redlands and UCRiverside.
I'm going to go back to missing mountains and cliffs and not-100-degree weather. (Confirm for me; is it utterly bizarre to be in the LA area in July and have it be in the seventies and eighties? And I don't mean the decades...and that one's more of a warning to myself and my sleepiness).
And let me give you one interesting tidbit: I cut my hair not long ago. You'll get to see it soon enough. ;D

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