hey y'all


I'm crawling briefly from my hiding spot full of papers and textbooks to give updates on my life.  Besides the obvious fact that I've taken on far too much, I mean.  Because I definitely have, and while I don't regret it in a lot of ways, I do regret that it's taking me away from the blog so much.

A rundown on exactly what I'm doing...

  • 17 credit hours (might as well be 19, since 0 credit PE course takes up two hours)
  • 2 giant group projects that need probably like six hours combined per week outside of classes (aside from just standard studying and homework hours, which are also monumental)
  • 11+ hours of work per week (I only work more than 11 hours when we have events)
  • two clubs
  • two clubs I am on the exec board for
  • a business fraternity
  • pledging a sorority
  • about to enter into the insanity known as Humans vs. Zombies for ten days (starting tomorrow)
Let's just say somewhere in the hecticness, I forgot about my blog.  I would like to make promises that I will be back soon, but the reality is that this semester is not going to be easier, and that I want to spend my free time with my friends, which is something that I can do, given that I'm not using this blog to make money, and while I put it on resumes, it's more to show that I can (generally) balance my life pretty well because "hey, I regularly update this thing and people are occasionally interested in it".  So, with that in mind, I'm going to give a schedule for my updates this semester (and put it into Google Calendar, which now runs my life) and give it to someone so they can poke me about it, because even though this is important to me, it is less important than the things I have a genuine obligation to keep up with, given that it is something I do entirely for my own enjoyment.

After this, my next post will be next Friday, and my goal is to put one up every Friday for the rest of the semester.  I'll re-evaluate my posting schedule and content over winter break, when I may post once or twice, and then I'll announce the posting schedule for next semester sometime during the first few weeks of it, though it's likely to stay very similar, since I'll be handling about the same amount of things.  As for "why Friday?", that is the one day I do not have tests, which means I will not be spending time studying on Thursdays, but rather, can work on writing a post, since I don't have the time to write posts particularly far in advance.  I will also attempt to read and comment on the blogs of people I follow and enjoy reading, but it's going to be difficult to keep up with, and since it's not an obligation, I'm not going to worry about it.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend, and I'll see you here with the things I have done recently next week!


  1. Hi Sue, that sounds like an immense amount of work and responsibilities. I have missed you here in the blogosphere but completely understand that you need to put your work and studies first at this point. I wish you everything of the best with it!

  2. I hope this semester isn't too rough for you and that you have plenty of time to have fun and enjoy yourself.

    Tracy @ Sunny Days and Starry Nights


HI! Please read this before you comment!

I love to hear from my readers and those new to my blog (feel free to url-drop if you need to)! Interacting with people can be so inspiring. PLEASE DON'T leave me just "FOLLOW MY BLOG" messages that you copypasta on dozens of blogs - I follow blogs when I feel inspired by their content, and I try to show it by actively commenting on the content they've generated. I will delete these responses, because they make me extremely uncomfortable. (Yes, I'm aware that's pretty odd... I'm sorry).

That said, I hope you have a lovely day!