I got a sunburn on the fifth, and before you ask, it's actually the worst one I've ever had. Which is weird, because it happened in half the time it usually takes me to get ones that are almost as bad... Apparently, Ohio sun is nastier than Spain or California sun (we won't speculate on Texas sun, because I've never been stupid enough to stay outside too long in that...well, except when I was six, but...) Anyways, I can't really lift my arms or comfortably put shirts on, and that, added to the fact I have two papers to write this week, means minimal posting this week. (I know,
again!? Yes, again, I am sorry). I'll try to get an outfit post up on Wednesday, since I'm not even going to really bother with today.
Now, time to go try to get a shirt on without screaming, write this paper, go to my doctor's appointment, go get some aloe vera, and find someone capable of reaching my back to assist me in the noble endeavor of making it possible for me to function semi-normally...
Oh you poor thing! I'm so sorry :( I got a really awful sunburn in San Diego when I was a junior in high school. It was the worst. I hope you are feeling/doing better soon!