Shirt/belt - F21 | Skirt - Wet Seal (?) | Shoes - PayLess

Shirt/skirt/belt - F21 | Shoes - PayLess

I know it's not really the most modern of looks, but I've always loved the look of long skirts with very defined waists. It's just one of those things that I'd absolutely love to wear all the time (and probably would, if I weren't generally succumbing to choosing sleep over looking nice, meaning I wind up in jeans and a sweater most days. (Granted, I get infinitely more creative with my wardrobe when I procrastinate, so I tend to look nicer when I'm running out of clothing...laziness functions in the most intriguing ways).
The next few days should see another few updates, and I'll definitely be more active over break, but until then, to anyone who still reads despite my infrequency, thank you.

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