Short suits have been everywhere this spring, haven't they? I've seen them all over street style snaps, and touted in magazines as a more comfortable but still work appropriate alternative to the full suit, as well as being just plain fun. Best of all, though, they aren't going to make you sweat to death in the heat of someplace (coughTexascough).
Blazer - thrifted | Shirts - Deb & BuiYahKah | Shorts - F21 | Shoes - Payless | Jewelry - Jewelmint/R21/F21
They're also pretty easy and simple to style. You can go matchy-matchy with your jacket and shorts, or you can mix it up and pair a different color of jacket and shorts, like I did. Monochrome is a possibility here - I'd recommend it with lighter colors, though, since the whole point of this is to have it be airy, and black is unfortunately lacking in airiness. Colorblocking is also an easy trend, and obviously what I chose to go with, and it's made easier by the popularity and easy availability of colorful shirts, blazers, and shorts. I was cautious with a black blazer (and also sane, because I look awful in white, which is currently the only other one I have). If you're going for a more formal vibe than me, I'd suggest heels of some variety, or wedges, rather than flat sandals. Here are some less color-ific variants of the short suit to help inspire you!
Enjoy being comfy and sophisticated!

(Pictures of celebrities from here, and copyright to Larry Busacca).
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