Hey y'all!
My computer has returned to life, by the way. Anyways...
I haven't been active lately (missed update because computer died, then afterwards, I decided to code a website over Thanksgiving - long story there). In fact, I've never really been that active. I haven't had much to say, honestly. In the world of fashion blogging, it's mostly pictures of new clothes and "how to wear" some article of clothing, and I've been slowly coming to the conclusion that fashion blogging isn't really a world I fit in very well. Nor am I that interested in what it currently is. It feels like, at present, I've nothing new to bring to the table. Just a longer list of wants and more photos of myself, and I'm uncomfortable with that.
This is all to say...I'm not going to be posting on Trenchcoats to Tiaras anymore. It was fun when I started, but for quite a while now, it just hasn't interested me that much, and I've realized there's no point in trying to keep something going that I'm already done with. Maybe someday, if I have something new to offer, I'll return to the blogging world. But for now, my copious amounts of photos of myself will quietly remain on my computer.
I hope anyone reading this has a lovely day, year, and life. I'll continue to stalk some of you on your blogs and comment on them when I feel the urge.